Avail of a membership and you get 40% off regular price for ONE FULL YEAR! Tops: $20-$25 Dresses $30-$40 Jackets $35 to $50. Accessories $10 and up Bags $30-$40 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chic Shoppe Canada is your online retail store for your every fashion need. First in Saskatoon since August2008!! Don't be left behind! Be the first with the trend of the season!!! Imported items from Hongkong, Korea and Japan. From fabulous dresses to chic handbags. High quality for incredibly cheap prices! Created since 2006 and member of Internet Business Group Corp since 2008. In the business for a long time, so you'd know we know what we are doing! JOin us at our facebook page(70 members in just over a month) http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1805456&id=592798483&ref=nf#/group.php?gid=87395530204 or check out our blog www.chicshoppecanada.blogspot.com (over 200 subscribers and over 14, 000 hits in a year) CHECK OUT OTHER ADS FOR PICTURES
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- currency: CAD
- delivery: Local Delivery
- price_display: $20
- user_id: 13776982